From the desk of Daniel D. New

Three Legs of a Stool
by Daniel New
12 July 1998

In order for the One World Government to be completely implemented, there remain but three major items to be accomplished.  All three are already underway. The superstructure is complete, these things must follow. It has long been a goal to accomplish them by the year 2000.

1.  A World Court.
More than the current court at The Hague, there is a movement to implement an International Criminal Court which will supercede all national courts. In June of this year, 1998, the conference in Rome agreed on most of the details. The large question yet unresolved is whether the members of the Security Council will have a veto over this court's decisions. The American Supreme Court is about to become an inferior court.

2.  A World Tax.
It is "unbecoming" for a One World Government to have to beg for money from its members. It is imperative (to them) that they have the ability to derive independent income without the consent of sometimes not-so-subservient members. The plans for these are already in the works, and you may look soon for the most attractive one to be implemented: The Planetary Lottery! After all the brainwashing in our Dewey Camps, you can expect schoolchildren line up to spend their lunch money in order to "save the whales," or some such scam. Inasmuch as a lottery is a direct tax on stupidity, the funding potential here is virtually unlimited! You may also look for a "mere" dollar a barrel tax on oil from the ocean floor, a"mere" one percent tax on international flights; a "mere" one percent of international financial transactions; UN treasury bonds; a tax on all arms transfers, etc. These proposals, supported by the Clinton administration, will amount to billions of dollars in annual revenue. You may rest assured that the current benign nature of the UN will be soon unmasked when their funding becomes independent of the USA and the larger nations.

3.  A World Army
As Chairman Mao said, "All power comes from the end of a gun," and these people just happen to subscribe to a lot of Mao's teachings." This is essential in order to collect the taxes and enforce the decisions of the World Court. There are already proposals at the UN that every nations turn over to the UN ownership and control of every military base, and restrict its own military activity to domestic policing of its own people. (See Blue Geopolitics, The United Nations Reform and the Future of the Blue Helmets, by Vicence Fisas, forward by UNESCO Director General Federico Zaragoza. page 134.) When the neo-conservatives of today suddenly realize that their sons and daughters can be drafted into mercenary military service of the UN, there is going to be a sudden shift in their appreciation of the meaning of "involuntary servitude" in the Constitution, but by then it will be too late -- the "living document" will have become an historical relic.

What can I do?

 Make the United Nations a litmus test for this election. Vote in all cases for the candidate whose position is the most vocal for National Sovereignty. If we lose our sovereignty, all other issues will be decided for us. If you're a Christian, support the Constituion Party. If you're not, support the Libertarian Party. A vote for what you believe to be right is NEVER wasted. A vote for proven liars just because they have a better chance to win is prostitution. Think about what THAT teaches your children!

If we deny them any one of these "legs of the stool" then they cannot complete their Grand Design. The most critical one to them is the Army. With it, they can eventually get everything else they want.

© Copyright Daniel New
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

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