New's Analysis and Commentary   |  “Government stupidity” is a redundant term.

“Government stupidity” is a redundant term.

It is the very nature of government, all government, at all levels, that “stupidity occurs,” just like other things do, but the difference between the marketplace, the household, etc, is that stupidity becomes institutionalized.

Bureaucrats cannot apply common sense for a plethora of reasons. Among them:

  1. It’s not authorized. Why, if we allow people to apply common sense, then there would be no need for our ten foot stack of paper rules and regulations, seventeen miles of red tape, etc.
  2. It doesn’t generate income. Do you realize, you dangerous radical, that if we lose the income from the permits and the fines, then we can’t afford to pay our code enforcers, our petty municipal tyrants, our women (of both genders) who wannabe swat team members, but couldn’t pass the physical?
  3. Most government employees would have to find a productive job, and do you realize how hard that is, these days?

It is a logical conclusion of runaway Political Correctness, combined with government stupidity, that when a pack of boys taunt an 11 year old girl in California, one Maribel Cuevas, and she picks up a rock and throws it into the pack, that

  1. she connects (do the baseball scouts know about this girl?);
  2. one of the perps gets a gash on the forehead;
  3. some idiot calls the police, instead of breaking up the situation;
  4. three squad cars and a helicopter respond;
  5. the perp becomes the victim, taken to a hospital (when any nurse or EMT with a band-aid could have handled it);
  6. and Maribel Cuevas becomes the criminal.

Or a kid taking a huge burrito to school in Clovis, New Mexico, excites the police to the point of posting snipers on roofs, closing streets, and evacuating the school.

On the local level, this will give you 306 pages of regulations governing the new Zoning Commission of Hico, Texas, a sleepy little Peyton Place with under 1400 people.

O the State level, this will give you Texas Legislature that can’t figure out, in five Special Sessions, how to pay for an education system that is so broke it will never be fixed, and I ain’t talking about money. (That’s another opinion piece some day, if the public demand is there. I can fix the “Public Education Crisis” in one day.)

On a national level, this will give you a president and a Congress who take an oath to protect and defend a Constitution they have never read, and then they will spend their entire careers passing legislation that is totally unconstitutional. Like the “Patriot Act”, which, if Truth in Labeling applied, would be called the “Empowerment of the State Act”, or the “End of Personal Liberty Act.”

George Washington said, “Government is like fire. A useful servant, a fearful master.”

George Washington would not put up with what our nation, our states, and our towns have done.

Come to think of it, he didn’t put up with it then.

But we are not made of, nor do we elect public servants of, the same caliber as the Founding Fathers.

And why is that? Because we have abandoned the Rule Book for our personal lives that they lived by, and from which is derived Common Sense.

This nation is adrift in a swamp of Political Correctness.

And the boat is leaking.

And the gators are watching.

© Daniel D. New, Permission to copy, with credits, is hereby granted.-

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