New's Analysis and Commentary   |  How does your church vote? And why not?

How does your church vote? And why not?

The IRS is responsible for enforcing the tyrannical doctrine of Lyndon Johnson which forbids churches to have a speaker discuss politics or candidates. Of course, black churches have ignored this law from the beginning, but white churches have tended to try to obey it, being cowed by their dependency on the tax-exempt status that they gain by registering their churches with the government and thus compromising their ability to preach the unbridled truth.

The LBJ doctrine is predicated upon the left-wing lie that we are supposed to have “separation of church and state”, which is not in any of our Founding Documents, and IRS interprets that to say that Churches must remain silent. Of course, the Constitution simply restricts the federal government, saying that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion… .” That limit has nothing to do with the freedom of speech that churches have. But then, when a church registers as a 501.c.3 agency, they give up their rights through contract law. Just like individual citizens do – you CAN trade in your birthright for a mess of pottage.

World Net Daily reports on a movement that has been gaining strength – Pulpit Freedom Sunday. This year it will occur on October 2, and ministers are encouraged to exercise (a) their Biblical imperative, and (b) their Constitutional rights to oppose evil in the land and to support good candidates for office. Each year they defy the illegal government mandate by endorsing political candidates and positions, and then they send a copy of the sermons to IRS for examination. The story is here.

I will never forget the time I was privileged to speak in Matt Trewhella’s church in Minneapolis, which met at the time at the meeting hall at the zoo (I am not making this up), and Matt got up for announcements. He said, “I have a letter here from IRS which says here, as a pastor and as a church, we are not allowed to endorse, we are not allowed to even mention any candidates who might running for any political office. So that made me wonder, is there anyone in this congregation today who is running for political office?” Seven people stood up. Matt asked each one of them to tell the congregation who they are and what office they are running for. He then said, “I endorse you, and you, and you,” (calling them each by name and office), and then, as he slowly tore the IRS letter in half, “This church has no interest in being in partnership with any civil government, nor do we have any intention of submitting to tyranny. Go forth and vote your conscience!” It was one of those memories I cherish.

I also cherish the story of a friend who lives in a midwest city, has a school and ministry in a slum in that city, in a neighborhood that is 95% black. Frustrated with the quality of state reps coming out of that district, he went to several local black ministers and asked them to find a good black Christian to run for that office. They each said, “You think this is so important, you run for it.” He was amazed, and said, “I’m a white conservative in a black ghetto!” They said, “Nonsense, you come preach in each of our churches, we’ll endorse you, and you’ll win.” He was shocked, “You can’t do that!” They laughed, “No, YOU can’t do that! We can do anything we want to do.” And he ran and they did, and he has been the Democratic state rep from that black district for 18 years.

Your minister and church leaders ought to know about this movement to reclaim what the churches have conceded to civil government. And if your pastor or elders do not want to know about this, I encourage you to find another church home, like next week. You can vote with your feet on this question, and I’m sure your pastor would rather not have your financial contributions anyway.

The fact is, until churches resume the role they played in 1776, this country will continue to grind down toward moral anarchy and political tyranny. American church leaders are proving right the prophesy of Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Good church leaders have been cowed into silence, and our nation is imploding as a result.

Go forth and vote your conscience, starting with your own church.

© Daniel D. New, Permission to copy, with credits, is hereby granted.-

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