New's Analysis and Commentary   |  DONALD TRUMP IS STIRRING UP THE POT


Yes, Donald Trump causes me to be as happy as I can stir myself to be over a corrupt and venal political party that needs to die.  But once again, we need to remind ourselves that the race for president is a rigged game.  So an outsider (if any billionaire friend of the Clintons might be called that) comes in to raid the cookie jar, and he will discover quickly that the Establishment of both parties will march in lock-step to prevent his attaining the office.  And should he win (I will bet a large sum that he will not), and should he live (I should not want to be his insurance company), you may be sure that he will be thwarted at every turn by every bureaucrat and every government employee and politician up and down the line.  I agree that his brash approach is refreshing.  Someone who is not politically correct is as refreshing as they are amusing. 

But Trump arrives on the scene, not because of wisdom, much less because of morality, but by instinct, ego and power.  He is very much like a conquering general, or perhaps a pharaoh, with no concept of the restrictions imposed by our Constitution.  Trump is accustomed to giving several seconds of deliberation to a question and coming to a decision, expecting his will to be implemented, without dissension.  If the same problem returns to his desk, he expects heads to roll.  If Trump were to ascend, and to succeed, America might yet become a stronger Empire than before, but we will never see a constitutional republic under this kind of emperor.  America is at the point that we need a Moses, not a Pharaoh.  Donald Trump is no Moses.  And yet, I see gullible Republicans falling down and hailing him as our Redeemer from bondage.  He may well lead us out of bondage into the Wilderness, but he is incapable of leading us to Mt. Sinai.

In the meantime, the States remain emasculated, thanks to the "Progressives" and their 17th Amendment.  If we cannot get any traction to repeal that amendment, then we cannot hope to see a return to a federated republic.  If you were to stop the next 100 people you meet in the street and ask them what is the 17th Amendment, how many do you think could even tell you?  I’m thinking "one" is a low guess.  (For the benefit of the 99, the 17th literally castrated the States, ripping away their authority to appoint two senators to represent them in Congress.  It provided for the popular vote of the Senate by The People, who already had one house in the legislature, giving us a much more democratic form of government, a much less republican form of government.  The 17th destroyed the Republic more effectively than did Mr. Lincoln’s War.  The States formed the Union, not the other way around, with the idea that it would act as a Servant "to the States and to the People, respectively."  But under the Marxist regime of Woodrow Wilson, the Servant revolted, and actually succeeded in severing the ties that bound them, throwing off the yoke of servitude, becoming instead the Master.  And what does the Bible say about that?  "Woe to the land whose king was a servant and whose princes feast in the morning." (Ecclesiastes 10:16, NIV)

We are now an oligarchy ruled by pharaohs and their minions.  We go through the motions of an election because it keeps the masses, well, distracted, if not happy. 

And yet, the States still retain a modicum of power in their ability to amend the Constitution.  Were they to find the political will to REPEAL the 17th Amendment, by a vote of 37 state legislatures, they could actually return us to a federated republic, and many, many problems of our Ship of State could then be addressed.  Our States and The People could actually become partners once again, and the Feds could actually be under control.  Can a nation which does not understand the problem be expected to find the solution?

The problem now is that it would be like turning a ship around in the middle of a hurricane.  Could we survive the process?  It would require an able-bodied crew of seamen, which we do not have.  It would require a sound hull, and we all know our "ship of state" has a rotten, leaky hull.  It would require a buoyancy that the American economy has not demonstrated, having driven our productive sector to many foreign countries, and financed our enemies, who are lurking in the deep even now, circling the boat and grinning with expectation.  I am not an optimist, when I consider the big picture.  I see a horizon glowing alright, but it’s not a dawn, it’s a fiery sunset, replete with economic collapse, foreign enemies poised to strike, massive unemployment, a four-way cultural/racial war (white, black, Hispanic and Muslim), moral degeneration, a collapsed system of education — all of this and for a crew to solve these problems, we are forced to rely on a coming generation of amoral high-tech narcissists with unparalleled computing power.  This coming generation has not yet discovered the APP for Common Sense, much less for Moral Foundations.

Both a political and an economic collapse are imminent, Bob.  With 51% of the population receiving some kind of an "entitlement" or emolument from the government, how long can that last?  The answer is simply this:  "As long as the people will accept play money and pretend it is real."  I think that time is coming to an end, perhaps gradually, perhaps suddenly.  I hope you have a plan for your family to survive, economically, because our best-laid plans to rescue a dying nation are in great jeopardy. 

People don’t want to return to our Foundations – they want a king to make the hard decisions to rule over them, just like the ancient Hebrews.  As a punishment, God gave them what they asked for. 

People may well dance in the streets over the candidacy of Donald Trump, because they are grasping at straws.  They would do much better to find two solid constitutionalists, committed to repealing the 17th, and elect them as state representative and state senator, respectively.  The election of the state legislature is far more important in 2016 than the shell game called a presidential election.  I like a good show, and Donald Trump provides entertainment value, but when the chips are down, the race for president is of little more import to our nation’s future than the long list of "reality shows" on television. 

If we don’t restore the States to the table of governance, then the Republic is dead, and we must arrive at a whole ‘nuther range of options to consider. 

© Daniel D. New, Permission to copy, with credits, is hereby granted.-

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