New's Analysis and Commentary   |  The REAL Differences Between the Two Parties

The REAL Differences Between the Two Parties

In a Washington Times op-ed piece, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicts the possible end of the Democratic Party as we know it.

Well, none of us in the Constitution Party would shed tears over that, but here’s the problem: if the Republican Party should win the White House and both houses in Congress, and if it enjoys that monopoly over the federal government for more than eight years, then the dictatorship of the Right will, in the end, be no better for those who love Liberty than under the Left.

Why do people not get it, that the Left Wing and the Right Wing both belong to the same Socialist bird? BOTH parties are socialist.

George Wallace used to say, “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two major parties,” but George was wrong. There is a huge difference between Socialist Party A and Socialist Party B.

Party A is international in flavor. It appeals to “the workers of the world” – and is supported by the Labor Movement. It implements welfare to the poor and every underprivileged group, promoting both class and race warfare. It worships the agenda set forth by Karl Marx, by Lenin, and by Gramsci. Party A wants to reduce our national sovereignty, and place our army, indeed our nation, under the control of a One World Government. This is called International Socialism.

Party B is national in flavor. It distrusts the United Nations, and wants to strengthen our national sovereignty. It appeals to the business class, to the capitalist, and worships the doctrines of Adam Smith and mercantilism. This is a militant party, favoring empire building (“building bridges” and “nation building”) for profits here. It favors a first-strike policy toward any who cross us. It implements welfare to businessmen and farmers and corporations. Party B favors National Socialism.

Once you understand all that, and realize the differences are real, you come to grasp the fact that a choice between Socialist Part A and Socialist Party B is really a choice like Poland had in 1939 – they could go with the Communists, or they could go with the Nazis, but either way, Poland was going to go – under – to one group of socialists or the other.

The two parties hate one another with a mutual passion, but the argument is not over socialism – it’s over (a) how to bring it to power, and (b) who will rule. Both are inimical to a free society.

Those who see loyalty to a party as more important than loyalty to the Constitution are, in the final analysis, traitors to Constitutional Liberty. They will subvert all principles in order to stay in power.

Carroll Quigley in his book “Tragedy and Hope” wrote, “The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers, instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.”


© Daniel D. New, Permission to copy, with credits, is hereby granted.-

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