From the desk of Daniel D. New

New's Analysis and Commentary

Bush wilts under heat
by Daniel New

In a story breaking today, President Bush has wilted under UN pressure to turn over American government officials and military personnel to the International Criminal Court.  The new U.S. position is "a year-long ban" on any investigation.  Members of the U.N. Security Council are still unhappy, but are relieved at the U.S. "willingness to negotiate." 

We have a president who is willing to negotiate away our national sovereignty. 

The sovereignty of the American People is on an auction block, and we are being sold down the river.

The Globalists are smiling, and rubbing their hands with anticipation. 

The American People?  They're worried about what to wear to the dance on Saturday night.

In the midst of all this phony opposition to an international court, (and it did play well while it lasted), it is to be observed that at no time has the Bush administration moved to protect the average American citizen from being subjected to "a higher power."  The first step of resistance was to protect American Lords and Rulers (a.k.a. elected public servants and bureaucrats), government officials, from being hauled into an un-American court in the same illegal way that Slobodan Milesovic of Yugoslavia was arrested and is now being tried without a jury.  The second step, virtually as an afterthought, was to add the US military on U.N. missions, leaving them unprotected if they are accused of a crime while on any other type of mission.  And the third step was apparently never contemplated -- to protect every citizen of the USofA. 

The United States seems to be governed by a group of people who sit around a big table every day and say, "What can we do today that will make us the laughing stock of the world?"  Except on alternate days they must ask, "In what ways can we bully some nation or group of people, not to destroy them, but to make them hate us for generations to come?" 

If George Dubya Bush cannot find the patriotism to defend the Constitution of the United States, (you know, the one he took an oath to defend), then he should either resign now, or he should face impeachment for treason.

I know, I always tone it down like that, but I have to protect my image as a moderate. 

(C) 2002 Daniel D. New

See the AP story as published by the Washington Post here:

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